Due to a number of issues,
this particular verse has come to mind several times in the past few weeks concerning the state of Christianity. News articles about denominations voting on or permitting the ordination of ministers/bishops who are living
a homosexual lifestyle. Plus the recent story of the Miami priest who was caught in photographs
violating his vow of chastity. What was his response to his committing adultery? It certainly wasn’t repentance and regret for his actions. Instead, he found another denomination which would tolerate and accept his sinful actions, and joined them,
with much fan-fare as a minister.
In today’s Christian
community, I seek a lack of humility amongst “believers”. Most have
appointed themselves as the sole arbiter or judge of biblical and doctrinal truth. If
they disagree with the doctrine or discipline of their current denomination, they leave and find another church to fit their
belief system. There are over 35,000 different denominations in the United States today.
Many of them have watered down their beliefs to create a big tent environment, where none are offended and all
are welcome.
Instead of today’s
environment where everyone does what is right in their own eyes, I think we need to recognize that when Jesus departed, he
gave away the keys to the kingdom and left Peter and the apostles in charge.
Saying, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you”. Just as
God the Father gave all authority to Christ Jesus, so too did Jesus pass this authority on to His Church before he ascended.
So if you’re tired
of attempting to determine what is right and wrong for yourself, feel free to ask me about Jesus’ Church which he left
behind to defend and support the truth, and promised that gates of hell would not prevail against it.